Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No More Babies

Monday I went over to Jenn's to see Jacob and Abby. I had not seen them in a month due to my trip to AZ, and all the time spent finding a place for Mom and Dad to live up in OR. When I last saw Abby, she was still crawling and not at all motivated to walk. But all that changed and she is all over. Lots of bumps and bruises - big knot on her forehead. She is chatting up a storm and the only time she is not talking - and loudly - is when she is asleep. Jacob is using so many more words and making sentences now. He loves his sister so much and he is so affectionate to her. He has such a sweet little personality. Here are some pics from my time with these two. I put Abby's hair in little pigtails and she looks sooooo much like her Mommy at the same age. I love those babes so much!

1 comment:

April said...

OHmygoodness - she is totally a little Jenny... TOTALLY! I love it! Those adorable little cheeks - makes me reminisce and miss my SweetPea at that age. (siiiiiigh)