Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I have always love to write letters. With the introduction of inexpensive phone rates and then email, people do not write letters much any more. However, I am involved in a ministry that requires me to write letters. I mentor and encourage women who are currently incarcerated through our justice system. Many of these women have no family or friends to communicate with. Most have children that have been taken away from them or are being raised by a family member. These women have just come to faith in Jesus or have had their faith renewed as a result of their circumstances. The majority come from alcoholic homes or homes where drugs were used. Many have been abused emotionally and physically. These ladies have no hope apart from their relationship with Jesus. They love the Lord, but they need encouragement. Enter mentoring. I write to about 7 ladies and answer their spiritual questions, share their lives with them, tell them about my life, share scripture with them, and love on them. Their only form of communication is thru letters, so this is a ministry that fits me perfectly.
I do not judge these ladies. None of us knows where we would be if we had been raised with or lived in the circumstances they have. Yes, they made bad choices and are daily living with the consequences, but they admit their mistakes and want to change their thinking so they can make a better life for themselves and their families when they get out of prison. I feel so honored to meet these ladies and be a part of their lives. Do they all get out and stay on the straight and narrow forever? No, but the rate of repeat offenders is very low if they have a mentor who can hold them accountable and encourage them. Often when they are released, I lose touch with them, but that is OK. God knows who they are and He will take over as their encourager. And my time with them is just for a season.

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God." Psalms 20:7

That is the motto of my life. If I trust in things........possessions or people, I will be disappointed. But if I trust in the name of the Lord my God, I am trusting in God's very character, and that will never disappoint. That is the only certainty I have in this life.

Thoughts on Blogging

I love to write. And I love to share my thoughts on things. Many of my musings are abstract and so I don't share them often. But I thought that a blog would be a good place for me to put my thoughts down. So here it is......My Blog. I am 55 years old and never thought that I would have a blog. For the first 50 years of my life, very few people even knew what blogs were. And now they are common and an excellent way for people to stay in touch with family and friends. Wow! The internet can be such a wonderful way to communicate.
If anyone happens to find this and wants to share any thoughts with me, please feel free. I love the reparte that comes with words. It is fun and challenges the brain.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5,6

That is the secret to a life of peace and joy!