Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Beautiful Spring Day

New baby cherry trees - they look like little sticks in the ground.

Frostbitten Choisea Ternata - I hope it will survive after pruning.
Our happy old girl - she just loves a sunny warm day.

Today was a brisk, but sunny and beautiful spring day. The temps were in the mid 40's and there was a sharp north wind, but the sky was clear and there was a definite "spring" in the air.
I did several outdoor chores: filling the bird feeders, sweeping out the lower garage and driveway, and raking the last of the dead apples from under the apple tree. I did some much needed pruning of the decorative grasses out front. Sally kept me company the entire time.
I got some photos of our new little baby cherry trees that were just planted on Saturday. Also I got a shot of one of my Choisea Ternata - otherwise known as Mexican Orange. I don't think it liked the two feet of snow we had this winter. The top half of the bush is pretty well frostbitten. I hope with some severe pruning that it will survive and bloom again. And I had to add a lovely photo of my sweet girl who loves to keep me company. Hard to believe she will be 10 in July!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Great Family Photos With Four Generations

Grandma, Elsa Jane, Great Grandma

Grandma and Elsa Jane laughing together

Three beautiful Grandchildren - Jacob, Elsa, Abby

Great Grandpa Gipson kissing Elsa Jane

Grandpa and Elsa Jane

Elsa Jane Snyder 10 month
Elsa Jane at Grandma and Grandpa's house

Great Grandpa and Great Grandma with Jenn, Abby, and Jacob

Grandma with Abby and her black eye

Where did the last month go? Time has a way of moving so slowly you never think a day will end, and at the same time it goes so fast a person hardly has time to catch their breath. It is over three weeks since I last posted pictures on my blog. I will try and catch up now.
February was very dry this year. We are about 4" below normal for rainfall for the month. Then March came and with it lots of snow and cold. But spring is not to be dissuaded from appearing, and daffodils, camelias, crocuses, and snow drops are blooming all over.
Last week our daughter-in-law, Miranda, and our little Granddaughter, Elsa, came for a visit for 6 days. Elsa is 10 months now and such a funny baby. She is so much like her Daddy. She has very little tolerance for hunger pangs and needs food quickly when she is hungry. She is mobile and cruises around the house. She particularly loves her naked time after her bath. She made up to us in only one day. I was able to get her up in the morning and we spent about an hour with her each morning before her Mommy got up. It was so wonderful to be able to get to know this little girl and watch her interact with Grandma and Grandpa. Jenn brought Abby and Jacob over one day to be with Aunt Miranda and to get to know their little cousin, Elsa. It was great to have all three Grandchildren together. What a blessing these babies are to our family.
It has been great to have Mom and Dad close by to share in the times with the family. They are really enjoying getting to know their Great Grandchildren. What fun for all the family. Abby particularly loves her Papa and Great Grandpa. What an amazing heritage this family has. God has blessed us so much and we are so thankful for His protection and love for us all.