Friday, March 28, 2008

End of March Snow

We are a week into Spring 2008, and the snow does not know that. We woke to an inch of the white stuff this morning. It was so pretty, but very unusual for this late in the season. It has been the coldest and winteryest Spring Break I can ever remember.

Jacob was over at Grandma and Papa's for 3 days and he had a blast. We took the opportunity to go to the park and play outside several times. He loves to go down the curly tube slide by himself.

Well, I just looked outside and it is currently snowing and the temp. is only 33', so this snow is not going to melt soon. It's 10:30 pm Friday nite.
All for now. I will take more pictures of the snow tomorrow.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

He is Risen!

Easter is all about the cross and the empty tomb. It is incomprehensible to me that Jesus willingly went to an excruciating death on the cross for me. I can not wrap my mind around it, but I am so thankful for what that means to my life. My prayer is that I will daily live a life that brings honor and glory to my God. And that I never forget the price that Jesus paid for my life. The fact that I was chosen to be a daughter of the King of Kings and joint heir with Jesus of all the riches of the Eternal Kingdom, is overwhelming.

Thank you Father for choosing me. Thank you Jesus for dying for me and paying the price for all my sin. And thank you Holy Spirit for coming to live in my heart and for teaching me the truth about God's Word. I pray that I will always live to glorify You! I love you with all my heart!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Winter goes out with a ROAR!

It may be officially spring as of last night, but winter is not going quietly into that good night. We had quite an intense blizzard for about 45 minutes this evening. The temperature dropped about 6 degrees in 15 minutes. The snow was sticking and we got about one inch accumulation! We are at about 700 feet elevation and there was an Artic front that moved in, but really.......Snow! I did get some photos to prove my story is true. I am sure that my daffodils did not appreciate this icy blast right when their little heads were facing the sky.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Trip to Yuma

Tomorrow I am flying to Yuma, AZ for my annual trip to see my Dad and Mom. I used to go with our son, Joe, every year at Spring Break. Joe loved the attention from Grandma and Grandpa, not to mention all the home baked cookies (which he never got at home). He would sit outside all day and get a very dark tan to show off to all his friends who stayed in OR in the cold and rain for the week. Then Joe grew up and left home, but my annual trip to Yuma continued. It has been 10 years now that I have been going by myself. Mom and Dad are so thrilled for me to come and spend the time with them. I take Mom out for our annual lunch and shopping trip. She protests the "expensive" lunch that I pay for, but I know she really enjoys our time together. Dad likes to have the house to himself for several hours in peace and quiet. We will go to a movie together, out to lunch several times, and hopefully, I can make it to the Flea Market. That is so much fun for me. Mom and Dad sit and people watch and I zip around and pick up several things that I can't get here. (Yummy fresh dates). It will be a fast week, but a good time. I am looking forward to the 80' weather and sunshine, and Mom's home cooking. I will let you know how the trip was when I get back. I wonder.......will my kids come and see me when I am old and lonely?

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Vantage Point

Bob and I just got home from seeing the movie VANTAGE POINT. Very good political thriller. Lots of fast car chases, which I am not fond of.....makes me dizzy and I am afraid someone will get hit. Very interesting twist to how the movie was made. It is amazing to me that the liberal suits in Hollywood allow movies to be made that paint the radical Muslim extremists in such a negative way. They are the bad guys with no exceptions. I recommend this movie.

Now on a different note entirely, I went to see FOOLS GOLD with a friend yesterday. It was a fun romantic comedy. Very predictable, but lots of fun and laughs. Matthew McConaughey is so cute, but he sure gets beat up a lot in this movie. Kate Hudson reminds me so much of her mother, Goldie Hawn, when she was younger. The best character, in my humble opinion, was Donald Sutherland, as a benevelent billionaire. He has such class.

Those are my opinions on my latest movie adventures. Recommend both.