Friday, June 6, 2008

Time Flies, Life Continues

I realize it has been over three weeks since I last posted to my blog. My Dad had knee replacement surgery over 6 weeks ago. His recovery has been very slow and painful. My brothers, Phil and James, went down also to help Mom and encourage Dad. My sister, Barb was down in AZ with my parents for 2 weeks to help out. And now my brother, Phil is back down in AZ trying to keep Mom encouraged and is helping with so many things. Carolyn, Paul, James, and I have been on the phone talking to Dad and Mom frequently. Dad has been in the hospital, in a Rehab center, in a nursing home, back to the hospital, and now back in Rehab. With the encouragement of the attending Dr. at the Rehab center, we are seeking a second opinion as to why Dad's knee is not healing like it should. He is a Diabetic and he does have Parkinson's Disease, so those things do contribute to his slow recovery. Monday, Dad will go to the CORE Institute in Phoenix to see a knee reconstruction orthopedic surgeon. (Center for Orthopedic and Reconstructive Education) The surgeon that will be seeing Dad was the head of Orthopedics at the Mayo Clinic for 17 years. His credentials are top knotch. Hopefully, he will be able to discover what is going on with Dad's knee and help with his recovery. We just wait and see. Please pray with us for a complete and swift healing of Dad's knee and for his body to recover.

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