This is a male Rufus Hummingbird. His red throat is irredescent and turns yellow as he moves.

This is a male Rufus Hummingbird. He is about 3.5 inches. He is very friendly.

This year we have put up 3 humming bird feeders. One in the front of the house, which is visible from the laundry room window. And two on the back deck - one visible from our bedroom window and one visible from the living room window. We began to see the little hummers about a month ago and so I put up the first feeder. Well, it was not long before we had lots of hummers and they were very aggressive towards one another. I put up the other two feeders to give them plenty of syrup, which helps with the aggression and fighting. The hummers are very friendly and very curious towards us. When I fill the feeders with fresh syrup, they are so interested and buzz me and check out what I am doing. The other day I had my camera in hand and stood about 2 feet from one of the feeders on the back deck. The lighting was great and I got some AMAZING photos of these beautiful and brilliant little birds.