Monday, May 18, 2009


This is a female Rufus Hummingbird. The red spot on her throat is clearly visible.

This is a male Rufus Hummingbird. His red throat is irredescent and turns yellow as he moves.

This is a male Rufus Hummingbird. He is about 3.5 inches. He is very friendly.

This year we have put up 3 humming bird feeders. One in the front of the house, which is visible from the laundry room window. And two on the back deck - one visible from our bedroom window and one visible from the living room window. We began to see the little hummers about a month ago and so I put up the first feeder. Well, it was not long before we had lots of hummers and they were very aggressive towards one another. I put up the other two feeders to give them plenty of syrup, which helps with the aggression and fighting. The hummers are very friendly and very curious towards us. When I fill the feeders with fresh syrup, they are so interested and buzz me and check out what I am doing. The other day I had my camera in hand and stood about 2 feet from one of the feeders on the back deck. The lighting was great and I got some AMAZING photos of these beautiful and brilliant little birds.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Elsa on Easter

Miranda sent these photos of Elsa in her Easter dress. It had a crinoline petticoat and she looked like a little princess. I miss her so much. She is so adorable. She just turned one year last week. Looking at the adorable little face, you can see why I miss her so much. They are coming out in Sept. for a visit, but that is still 4 months away. Thank God for digital photography.

Elsa Jane

In March Joe and Miranda went to Hawaii with Miranda's family for a vacation (Christmas gift from Miranda's parents). They had a fun time on the beach, and enjoyed the warm sunny weather compared to cold Toronto. Elsa would not keep a sun bonnet on her head, so they put a scarf on her and she kept that on to protect her little hairless head from the sun. You can see that she clearly loved the water and the boogy board.

I love this photo of Elsa looking at her Daddy with absolute love.

Great family photo

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Birds and Babies

We are confirmed 'birders'. We have 3 seed feeders on the south side of the house and love to watch the birds of all varieties come and eat. Some are definitely feeder eaters. Some are ground eaters - eating what the feeder eaters drop. Some are very skittish, some are very aggressive, and most are willing to share the seed. We have a large number of Red Wing Black birds this year for the first time. They love the feeder, but they scare the smaller birds away. And we have seen very few of the lovely American Goldfinch because of the large black bird population. We also have a large number of the Cow birds. They are not particularly pretty and also keep the finches away. We have a lot of the various sparrow varieties. And recently a pair of Grosbeaks have made our orchard their home. We even have a Peregrine Falcon that seems to appear every now and then. Unfortunately, he has killed a sparrow and a Mourning Dove. We have seen the remains under the feeders. Bob even saw him appear out of no where one day and dive bomb a sparrow and poof! No more sparrow. It was lightening fast and brutal. But Falcons eat other birds. One day he sat on our feeder for hours just waiting. There was not a bird in sight for an entire day after that. They may have small brains, but they are not stupid.
This week we have a delightful couple that seems to have made our orchard their home. A pair of Lazuli Buntings. Their coloring is exquisite. They are very skittish and it is almost impossible to get a good picture of them. But I did manage to capture two of them thru the kitchen window. One is at the feeder and one is in a cherry tree next to a female Grosbeak. What a treat!

When our daughter, Jenn, was 2 years old we got her a Playschool fun house for her birthday. It was quite expensive 32 years ago, but we thought it would be a toy that would provide hours of fun and creativity. After she played with it, our son, Joe, also had many years of fun with it. Being the practical person that I am, I decided that I would clean it up and put it away for our Grandchildren one day. So I put it in a big plastic bag and we lugged it with us for four different moves. I know that these toys are rare and if you find them on Ebay, they are very expensive. All the parts were still working and none of the pieces were missing. Well, now that we have Grandkids, I got it out and put it in the Toy Cupboard for Jacob and Abby. They love it! I was able to get this wonderful picture of them playing with it yesterday. One generation passing their fun on to the next generation - 32 years later. Nostalgia and memories fill my heart.

Jacob with his Grandpa
Abby and Grandma
Yesterday was so fun because our Grandchildren, Jacob - 4 and Abby - 2, came over and spent 8 hours at Grandpa and Grandma's house. Jenn and Tim wanted some time alone and we were most anxious to accomodate. Abby is talking so much and you can understand most of what she is saying now. She is absolutely crazy about Grandpa and wants to sit in his lap and look at books all the time. He is naturally willing to spend as much time with her as he can. We both know this window of opportunity is so short. They grow up much too fast. Jacob is such a sweet boy and so polite. He says, "Please, Thank you, Excuse me, etc". He wants to be right with us and is such a social little fella. They both are really funny and keep us laughing. This is a precious time and we are so blessed to be able to spend time with these amazing little people. Thank you, God!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Birthday for Jacob and Abby

Last Saturday, April 18th, was a combined birthday party for Jacob and Abby at Jenn and Tim's home. Bob and I picked up Mom and Dad and took them over for the party. My brother, Paul, and sister, Barb, also came to share the birthday celebration. Jacob is now 4 years old - April 15, 2005. And Abby is going to be 2 on May 1. Jenn made the cutest LadyBug cake and put 2 candles in the head for Abby, and 4 candles in the body for Jacob. They got lots of nice gifts. Jacob was not too thrilled with the quilt that I made him. But Abby loved the quilt that Grandma made and sat in Grandpa's lap with it wrapped around her all afternoon.

Great Uncle Paul and Great Grandpa dueling with party favors.

Great Grandpa and Jacob

Great Grandma and Jacob

Great Grandma and Abby

As I look back over the last 4 years, I wonder where the time went? How did that tiny little baby boy who weighed in at 5 lbs. and was just 17" when Jenn took him home, grow up to be a busy, active 4 year old preschooler? He has a head for numbers and loves to sing. Just like this Grandma. That makes my heart smile.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Spring Time Blossoms

I love living in Oregon in the Spring. Every where you look you see blossoms. Every tree, bulb, bush, and many plants are blooming and the rainbow of colors is amazing! When the cherry orchard is in full bloom, it is a breathtaking sight to behold. The contrast of the white blossoms with the deep blue sky is beautiful. The orchard hums with the sound of hundreds of thousands of honey bees that are pollenating the 490 cherry trees. It is magical.

My friend, Michelle, has a flowering plum tree that is so beautiful and I got some lovely pics of her tree. We have a flowering cherry that is full of pink blossoms also that I plan to get pics of when it is in full bloom.
When I was driving into town the other day I saw a lot of daffodils by the side of the road in a ditch. I wanted to cut a few to take to my Mom. When I got out with to cut the flowers, I had to run back and get my camera because these were the most beautiful daffodils I have ever seen. They were multilayered and ruffled. They were stunning, and just in a ditch. Where did they come from and who originally planted them for all to enjoy.
I continue to marvel at how much God loves color and how creative He is by the variety and beauty of the flowers He created for us to enjoy! Enjoy just a bit of what I see everywhere.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

This came from a friend and I thought it was so good that I wanted to post it on my blog. Sometimes I hear things or read things that resonate within my soul, and this sure does. This demonstrates a life lived as a reflection of Jesus, who came to serve and not to be served.

"True service comes from a relationship with the divine Other- the Holy Spirit - deep inside. We serve out of whispered promptings, divine urgings…Self-righteous service is impressed with the “big deal.”…True service finds it almost impossible to distinguish the small from the large service…Self-righteous service requires external rewards. It needs to know that people see and appreciate the effort…True service rests contented in hiddenness. It does not fear the lights and blare of attention, but it does not seek them either…Self-righteous service is highly concerned about results. It eagerly waits to see if the person served will reciprocate in kind. It becomes bitter when the results fall below expectations. True service is free of the need to calculate results. It delights only in the service. It can serve enemies as freely as friends. Self righteous service picks and chooses whom to serve…True service is indiscriminate in its ministry…Self-righteous service is affected by moods and whims. It can serve only when there is a “feeling” to serve (“moved by the Spirit” as we say)…True service ministers simply and faithfully because there is a need…Self-righteous service is temporary…True service is a lifestyle…Self-righteous service is insensitive. It insists on meeting need even when to do so would be destructive. True service can withhold the service as freely as perform it. It can listen with tenderness and patience before acting. It can serve by waiting in silence…Self-righteous service fractures community…True service builds community." Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline, (San Francisco: HarperCollins Publishing Company).

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Birthday Quilts

This year for Jacob's 4th birthday and Abby's 2nd birthday, I decided to make quilts for them. I made my first quilt ever for myself in 2008. It turned out so well that I wanted to try my hand at making quilts for my grandchildren. The incentive that I had for these quilts was that I was given a bag of quilt squares already cut out into 6 1/2 inch squares. These squares were cut over 30 years ago by my cousin Barbara, and she never got around to using them for anything. However, her Mom saved them in a bag for "someday". Last spring Barbara died from liver cancer and is now in heaven with our Lord. It was about this time that I was making my first quilt, and I took it over to show Jackie, (Barbara's Mom). Light bulbs went off in her head and she ran into the bedroom and came out with a bag of lovely quilt squares that were Barbara's and said I could have them. What a gift! Well, I had to use them to honor my sweet cousin's memory. With the help of my dear friend, Karen (a quilting expert), we figured out how to make a quilt for Jacob. I had to add some fabric that I purchased to make it more appropriate for a little boy, since Barbara's fabric was so "girlie". Both quilts are hand tied and that is a process that really hurts my back....bending over the floor. But it was worth it since both quilts turned out so nice and I am pleased.

This is a close up of Abby's quilt. I used all Barbara's fabric for the front of this quilt because it was such pretty, feminine material, and so appropriate for a little girl. It is done in a nine square pattern, with a strip of tiny pink rose material between the rows. It is quite large (98" X 64"), and will be perfect as a bedspread when she gets into a "big girl" bed. She will be 2 on May 1.

For the back of Abby quilt I had to purchase a large piece of fabric. Since it was too narrow to reach the sides, I used more of the squares from Barbara's fabric to add width to the quilt by adding two more rows of squares.

I wanted to hold up the quilts so that you could get a perspective on actual size. Abby's quilt turned out to be the same width as Jacob's, however it is about 20" longer. That is why it will be perfect for a bedspread.

Here is Jacob's finished quilt. It is made with the yellow, green, and orange squares from Barbara's fabric. I added blue gingham, and a pattern with little cars and trucks on it. And a town print as well. The back is car print and town print in four large blocks.

So my next quilt will be for our sweet Baby Elsa. Not sure if I will make it in time for her birthday on May 5. But since she will only be 1 year old, she won't know the difference. I will be using some of the remaining squares for her quilt as well.
That is all for now. Enjoy the photos of my newest hobby.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Beautiful Spring Day

New baby cherry trees - they look like little sticks in the ground.

Frostbitten Choisea Ternata - I hope it will survive after pruning.
Our happy old girl - she just loves a sunny warm day.

Today was a brisk, but sunny and beautiful spring day. The temps were in the mid 40's and there was a sharp north wind, but the sky was clear and there was a definite "spring" in the air.
I did several outdoor chores: filling the bird feeders, sweeping out the lower garage and driveway, and raking the last of the dead apples from under the apple tree. I did some much needed pruning of the decorative grasses out front. Sally kept me company the entire time.
I got some photos of our new little baby cherry trees that were just planted on Saturday. Also I got a shot of one of my Choisea Ternata - otherwise known as Mexican Orange. I don't think it liked the two feet of snow we had this winter. The top half of the bush is pretty well frostbitten. I hope with some severe pruning that it will survive and bloom again. And I had to add a lovely photo of my sweet girl who loves to keep me company. Hard to believe she will be 10 in July!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Great Family Photos With Four Generations

Grandma, Elsa Jane, Great Grandma

Grandma and Elsa Jane laughing together

Three beautiful Grandchildren - Jacob, Elsa, Abby

Great Grandpa Gipson kissing Elsa Jane

Grandpa and Elsa Jane

Elsa Jane Snyder 10 month
Elsa Jane at Grandma and Grandpa's house

Great Grandpa and Great Grandma with Jenn, Abby, and Jacob

Grandma with Abby and her black eye

Where did the last month go? Time has a way of moving so slowly you never think a day will end, and at the same time it goes so fast a person hardly has time to catch their breath. It is over three weeks since I last posted pictures on my blog. I will try and catch up now.
February was very dry this year. We are about 4" below normal for rainfall for the month. Then March came and with it lots of snow and cold. But spring is not to be dissuaded from appearing, and daffodils, camelias, crocuses, and snow drops are blooming all over.
Last week our daughter-in-law, Miranda, and our little Granddaughter, Elsa, came for a visit for 6 days. Elsa is 10 months now and such a funny baby. She is so much like her Daddy. She has very little tolerance for hunger pangs and needs food quickly when she is hungry. She is mobile and cruises around the house. She particularly loves her naked time after her bath. She made up to us in only one day. I was able to get her up in the morning and we spent about an hour with her each morning before her Mommy got up. It was so wonderful to be able to get to know this little girl and watch her interact with Grandma and Grandpa. Jenn brought Abby and Jacob over one day to be with Aunt Miranda and to get to know their little cousin, Elsa. It was great to have all three Grandchildren together. What a blessing these babies are to our family.
It has been great to have Mom and Dad close by to share in the times with the family. They are really enjoying getting to know their Great Grandchildren. What fun for all the family. Abby particularly loves her Papa and Great Grandpa. What an amazing heritage this family has. God has blessed us so much and we are so thankful for His protection and love for us all.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Elsa with Misa and Rudy. Notice how big Rudy is compared to Elsa.
Elsa and Joe

Elsa in her little rocking chair.

Jacob and Abby on a winter walk.

When I think about Valentine's Days of my childhood, I have such happy memories. We always spent time the week before the holiday, either making or cutting out premade Valentines. My favorite to make were the ones made from the lace doilies and red and pink construction paper. We learned how to cut out hears that did not have a crease and glued them precisely in the center of the white lace doily. It was lovely. Then we wrote a special message on each Valentine. I remember getting the box of the Valentines on the sheet of paper and we had to carefully cut each one out. That was long before the days of the precut and prefolded ones. We spent so much time choosing just the right message for each person in our class. And then we had the decorated shoe box that we had on our desks. Each child in the class would come by and put their Valentine for you in the box with the cut out slot on the top. We usually had cupcakes decorated with pink or white icing, with just the perfect amount of red sprinkles on them. And one can never forget the conversation heart boxes. Back then they were 5 cents a box. We carefully opened each Valentine to see what our classmates gave us. And when school was out we put everything back in the decorated box and carefully took our treasures home. Once home we had to go through each Valentine again and show our Mom. I loved Valentine's Day then and I love it still today.

When I think of Valentine's Day I think of love. My special Valentine is my husband of 37 years and this year we spent our 38th Valentine Day together. We did our taxes......YEA! We went to Salem and looked at computers, and we went to Chang's Mongolian Grill for a wonderful lunch. It was a lovely day with my honey.

My other special Valentines are my children and my grandchildren. They make my heart warm and put a song in my heart. I am very happy to be able to have a special day to tell them how much I love them. What a joy they are to my life.

The love that means the most to my life is the love of God. Jesus gift of Salvation is the best Valentine anyone could ever have. That is the kind of love that has no human equal. It is unconditional love that we do not deserve. And I am so blessed that God loves me so much.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Family Photos

Kath and Carolyn

Barb, Carolyn, Kath - Sisters

Paul, Barb, Carolyn, Kath, Phil - Siblings

Mom and Dad

These are some family photos from Christmas 2008

Christmas 2008

Snowy Cherry Orchard

Sally Peeking Through Fence

Beautiful View of House in Winter

Christmas 2008.........Reflections and Reminiscences......

The first thing that comes to mind as I think about the holiday season of 2008 is snow. Lots and lots of snow. And cold......extreme cold! We did not have temperatures above 32' for over 10 days. Often in the morning the temperature on our back deck was in the teens, the coldest being 13' one morning. And the deck is somewhat protected from the open cold, and I do not even know what the temperature was outside in the open. The result of all the cold was that the snow, which kept coming down, did not melt. We ended up having 10" of snow, with about 1" of ice on top of that, followed by 8" of new snow. Walking through this was difficult. And since we do not have studs or chains or a snow plow, we were unable to get our car out of the garage for 8 days! The day before we got 'stuck' up on our hill, I had gone to the grocery store and stocked up on double of the items I use most......"just in case". Thank God, I had the foresight to do that because we had enough fresh items to last us for the 8 days we were house bound. My first shopping trip after we were set "free" from our garage was quite expensive. But I realized how creative a person can be when you have a limited supply of groceries. Thankfully, we did not lose power for longer than 4 hours one night. The furnace worked so hard day and night just to keep the temperature in the house at a balmy 68'. The consequence of that was a PGE bill that was $100 more than the previous month! YIKES! But with layers, we kept warm.

My next thoughts are about family. My sister, Carolyn and her husband, Nelson, came out to the NW for a week from Chicago. They had not seen Mom and Dad's new little duplex. They stayed with Mom and Dad for 4 days, and then came over to our house for the last 3 days of their visit. My brother, Phil, also came down for 10 days from WA. He stayed with us the first part of his visit, and then went to Mom and Dad's. We were all planning to have a big Christmas dinner with the family, and our daughter, her husband, and grandbabies on Christmas Day. But the family in McMinnville could not get out, so they had Christmas with Mom and Dad. Jenn and her family did make it up to our house.....thanks to a neighbor who took his big truck and drove back and forth over the lower driveway to make a path for her little car. It was a nice Christmas with just the 6 of us. It was the first Christmas that Jacob, 3 1/2, understood the concept of presents. He did not care what was in them, particularly, he just was excited to open them, and more than willing to help Abby open hers. We did have a fun party at Mom and Dad's on the weekend. It was all the siblings and spouses, my niece, Elaine and her husband, Jeff. We ate tons of yummy food, and played games, and laughed a lot. Very special time as a family. This is why it is so good for Mom and Dad to be closer to family.

We ended 2008 with our annual New Year's Eve party with three couples who are very dear to our sister and her husband, Crit and Janice Haney, and Max and Patty Huff. We ate lots, played games, and just had fun bringing in the New Year with very special friends.
My prayer is that as we begin a new year, we will all live by Proverbs 16:9 "Man makes his plans, but the Lord directs his steps." We may make plans that seem good to us, but we must be open to the plans that God has for us each day. Spiritual maturity is being flexible and willing to follow where God is leading us each day.